Conquer any Challenge with Hypnosis



Challenges, both emotional and physical, are part of life in New York City. Hypnosis can help you meet your challenges in a healthy and productive way. Hypnosis can help you stop smoking, lose weight, reduce stress and anxiety, improve self confidence, and achieve success. Hypnosis is an easy and effective tool for overcoming many of life’s challenges.

One session can change your life!



Quit Smoking                        Improve Body Image    

Boost Weight Loss                Fears & Phobias 

Release Anxiety                    Procrastination              

Create Success                      Emotional Balance        

Public Speaking                    Immune Enhancement                             

Panic Attacks                        Insomnia

Stuttering                              Relationships

Life Regression


Call Yvon Nives, LCSW, CHT, CASAC at 646.373.5387 or Email at to set up an appointment to begin your journey to a healthy lifestyle.