Signs of Hypnosis



            The first sign of hypnosis is that your breathing will be very relaxed. You will breathe just as you do when you are asleep, called the “hypnotic sigh”.

            The next sign is the “hypnotic cast,” the look of deep relaxation on the face of the person. During our demonstration you will see this look become even more pronounced as deepening takes place.

            The body temperature in most people changes when they enter a state of hypnosis. You can feel the palm of their hands and discover that they are either very warm or very cool.

            During our demonstration, you will begin to understand the power of suggestion. The subconscious mind will accept and act on suggestions that are to your benefit or that won’t harm you in any way. Because it does not think or analyze, it just responds to commands. It will not, however, respond to any commands that are against your better interest or morals. The power of suggestion is one of the main components of the subconscious mind which makes this program work. Once you understand it, the uses are limitless.

            Rapid eye movement is a hypnotic reaction which some people experience and others don’t. when you awake, you may also experience eye lacmentation. This is redness or blurry look in the eyes.

            Some people experience feeling very light just like they are floating; others feel very heavy and swear they cannot move.

            Each person’s experience is different, so we do not want you to compare yourself to someone else. Just become aware of how hypnosis feels to you. There is no right or wrong and you will not be graded. If you keep thinking “I can’t do it” or  “This isn’t working for me” that s just your conscious mind giving you your own usual self-doubts. Returning to the words “calm and relaxed” will shut off the conscious thoughts and negative feel talk.

            You do not have to experience all of these signs to know that you are in hypnosis; any one of them is enough. Just the relaxation is all you need.


Yvon Nives, LCSW, CHT, CASAC
